SOAR - Safety Operations Analysis Reports
Turn your data into powerful decision-making tools with our easy-to-use and reliable software for operations on the go.
Our fleet management module keeps details of each vehicle in one place, and tracks maintenance costs and trips.
Stay on top of your vehicles with tracking and reporting features to manage your fleet.
Create a preventative maintenance schedule. Add GPS tracking. Calculate IFTA Miles. PatchMap option for wellsites.
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Detailed vehicle specs and history
Track additional equipment attached to vehicles
Tire and weight details
License, registrations, prorate info and insurance
Odometer and hours meter tracking
Safety inspection scheduler with alerts
Assign vehicles to a specific branch or department
Trip summary
Fuel Tracking: Usage miles and quantity
Link fuel usage to specific units and employees
Fuel cost and type tracking
IFTA miles reporting tools
Preventative maintenance schedule
Preventative maintenance completion tracking
Parts inventory
Maintenance checklists
Maintenance details
Itemized repair and maintenance categories
Itemized cost: parts and labor
Total cost by job, date, and vehicle
Categorize maintenance by type of service
GPS tracking and history
Vehicle health and driver behavior
Dispatching and geofencing |
PatchMap option for wellsite mapping |
Our driver management module helps you keep all your driver records and compliance in one place. Drivers use the app to complete eInspection and eLogs for Canada and the United States.
The driver compliance and audit tools help your managers verify paperwork is up-to-date and accurate.
Take a proactive approach to compliance and be prepared at the next roadside inspection or audit.
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Driver hours of service eLog and ELD |
Driver APP for Android™
Driver compliance dashboards
Log audit tools Assign a vehicle to a driver
Daily eInspections
Driver's license and passport expiration
Accident and ticket history
Assign drivers to a branch or department
Dates for CDL medical
Driver certifications and expirations
Assign a fuel card to a driver
Track fuel card assignment history
GPS mapping and driver behavior
Our equipment management module helps you take a proactive approach to managing your assets.
From maintenance and inspections to equipment background, SOAR Solutions' equipment management software enhances equipment tracking and reporting to improve downtimes and keep operations flowing.
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Detailed equipment specs and history
Equipment type and category
Assign to a branch and department
Odometer and hours meter tracking
Daily equipment inspection
Safety inspection scheduler with alerts
Categorize maintenance by type of service
Maintenance details
Itemized repair and maintenance categories
Itemized cost: parts and labor
Total cost by job, date, and equipment
Preventative maintenance schedule
Preventative maintenance completion tracking
Fuel usage and tracking
GPS tracking
Our employee management module helps you take a proactive approach to building a strong safety culture.
Keep track of training and certifications with easy to use forms and dashboards. The safety module is flexible to meet a wide range of needs and as a complement to the fleet and driver modules.
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Employee basic details and history
Certifications and expirations by employee
Training sessions and training library hosting
Training history by type of course
Pass or re-train tracking
Training by job type
Safety meeting details and attendance; set alerts
Branch or department inspection scheduling
Safety inspection scheduler with alerts
Company safety profile
Safety warnings
Incident and near-miss reports
Injury reports
OHSA 300 reporting
Environmental assessment
Safety assessment
Resource management, permits and specs
Site and workplace risk and hazard assessment
SDS, MDS, PDS storing
Accessible on any device with internet access
PHP MySQL web application secured by SSL certificates with 2048-bit digital signatures and up to 256 bit encryption
Commercial servers in secure colocation facility with daily backup
No plug-in or software installation
Skinned with your company logo
Compliance dashboards and audit tools
Dashboards for at-a-glance reporting
Quick links feature
Upload photos and documents to a record
Customized user specific permissions
Login structure with different permission levels
Filter and save quick reports
Search and sort functionality on tables
Export data to .CSV, .XML or .PDF
Most Recent Pages tool
Breadcrumbs for easy navigation
Look-up table editor
Project Management
Alert Center
Assign deadlines to individuals, departments or branches
Automatic and scheduled email notifications
Email notifications to multiple recipients
Schedule future alerts, one-time or recurring, for any action item or preventative maintenance
Comments section for additional details and information
Documents page to post policies
Internal bulletin board system
Purchase order and invoice reference for quick record retrieval and tracking
Generate unique work order number to each job
Work performed by in-house or outside vendor
Vendor list with contact info and vendor type
Customer list with contact info
Built -in calendar and scheduling