Lubricants Manufacturer Partners with SOAR Solutions to Launch Company-Wide Safety and Compliance Standards
A national lubricant manufacturer and supplier integrated SOAR Solutions software and data support services into their compliance and safety process. The company expanded from collecting and storing data to adding robust tracking and reporting functionality and standardizing the program across all branches. With the ability to analyze their driver, fleet, and safety program, the company has improved compliance rates, lowered costs, and has more information to create a safer workplace.
Who: Lubricants manufacturer and supplier
Where: Canada with seven branches in five provinces
After successfully expanding into new markets across Canada, the company began looking for more efficient ways to operate and communicate between branches and the main office. They were acquiring new vehicles and equipment, hiring more employees and their infrastructure needed to be adapted to these significant changes to their business.
Standardize Vehicle and Driver Policies and Procedures
A review of vehicle inspection, maintenance and driver procedures and forms found that each branch had different processes in place. The inconsistency made it difficult to compare branches or compile total company data for analysis, measuring performance, and decision-making.
Together, SOAR Solutions and the company consolidated the forms into a standard set of forms. Rather than simply aligning the forms with basic regulatory requirements, they included additional information with the objective of moving to a more proactive, and ultimately, an instinctively behavioral approach to safety and compliance. These best practice guidelines were based on the feedback from the branches and operational metrics management determined would improve their effectiveness and productivity.
Additionally, the company created a consistent trip summary form to track deliveries including dates, location, product carried, number of units, vehicle, driver, and mileage. This provided additional support for their inventory system and valuable operational statistics.
Create Proactive Safety Policy
Recognizing that their employees are a key ingredient to their continued success, a proactive safety program, which included employee compliance, was established based on the standardized vehicle and driver policy.
The company was able to better understand the safety levels of their workplace and which protocols were working by integrating the SOAR Solutions customized software interface. Data was no longer sitting in 4 inch binders. It was accessible to various user levels with quick recall and robust reporting functions.
Strengthened Equipment Maintenance Program
With continued growth came increased capital expenditures on new equipment. The company worked with SOAR Solutions to build a tailored equipment maintenance program that included forms, reports, alerts, and scheduling functions. The objective was to ensure their equipment was operating at optimal performance and reaching its projected life expectancy.
Implement a Comprehensive Solution
By partnering with SOAR Solutions, the company was able to bring all four of these elements under one system: fleet management, safety management, driver management, and equipment maintenance. They now have a complete view of their operations, are more connected as an organization, and their managers have greater confidence in their decisions.
SOAR Solutions integrated software and data support services to standardize processes company-wide and streamline operations. |